Welcome y’all, yinz, youse, and you’uns,
First newsletter! No pressure! Squeeeee!

Thank you for your support and being present with us during this journey! A dear friend inspired me so deeply when she recently wrote an open love letter. It was a balm that so many hearts needed. In that spirit, I would like to start out our series of newsletters as a love letter to you. Thru these musings I would like to build trust and create a space for exploration and learning. This won’t be a safe safe. I can’t and won’t curate that for you- but it will be a brave space. This is my intention.
So I bring you to sit at my messy table and I invite you to lower your shoulders. Breathe so that we can both see our belly’s move and stand witness of the life within each other. Let your tongue gently float to the roof of your mouth as your relax your jaw. And breathe with me. These are complex times and I want to honor how that shows up in our bodies. Notice your body. Where are you holding the things that you don’t need to hold anymore? Invite all to move or release with the breath. I ask you to remember who you are beyond the idealized and sanitized versions that we project into the world. With each breath remember the most authentic, raw, ancient human parts of you. Deliciously imperfect, messy, and so very precious. This is the place that we will meet. This field of our souls that at one time or another have been scorched earth; but now in this moment blooms in front of us as a fertile meadow. This is where we will meet.
Whether we have met a ton of times, haven’t seen each other in years, or have never met in person- none of that matters as we are present with each other right now. All formalities slip off like a heavy winter coat; leaving us standing in front of each other both seeing and being seen. I see you. I see that you do not give or receive love - but that you are the very essence of love. You embody love. You are love. Love, I see you.
As I sit here writing this I am thinking of the brave humans who will bring themselves to this journey with me and I am crashing with waves of love (maybe it’s this third cup of coffee, maybe it’s love energy, maybe it’s Maybelline). I am not a love and light worker- I don’t sugar coat healing, bravery, and deep connection. I hold no space for toxic positivity. Unwillingness to learn and decolonize has no place here. I will make mistakes or disappoint and you might call me out or call me in. And yet, we will commit to bring ourselves to stand together in our field; exposed and flawed ready to be seen in our human experience. This is my intention.
The newsletters will be a montage of lived experiences; plants and seeds, herbal medicine, healing practices, empowered DIY, probably some journaling, rants, laughs, botany, woo, bodywork, updates, TMI, and more......If it doesn’t sound very focused - that’s because it’s not :) I’m not lauded for my ability to stay on one topic when there’s a whole universe to be touched and tasted. I will always come back to you and I bringing ourselves to this moment being present with each other for this leg of our journey. In our field. In our sincere longing for profound connections. In our most authentic self even when we think that’s ugly or not enough. Especially then.
I lit a candle for you when I wrote this. I whispered protection and healing and strength to you. I stand witness to your path and am so glad that we can hold hands for a bit as we walk together. It’s true to me in this moment that I have written my vulnerable bits into a medium that feels like a void right now. My work does not exist in a vacuum. I desire Reciprocity.
Please leave me some feedback on our fb or Instagram or email me privately at rebeccag187@gmail.com. How did this love letter sit with you? What do you need more of? Less of? Meet me in our field.
So there you have it. My first newsletter- my love letter to you. Gratitude to justin for the design. If not for his brilliance this email would be a screenshot of scribbles on the back of a parking ticket.
Oh and PS, like buy stuff ok? ^^marketing genius/ self taught ;)