Our Story

We are a small gathering space on the ancestral lands of the Mohican [Moh He Con Neew] people (the Stockbridge-Munsee Mohican) people.
Kpomthe’nã Mã’eekanik "We are walking on the Mohican Homeland" (learn more here)
We have an herbalist on-site and offer energy healing, one-on-one deep dive herbal consults, workshops, crystals, tarot decks and tarot readings, simple single origin coffee and herbal teas, and much more.
We believe in the collective. We believe in holding space and and lifting up other healers, herbalist, witches, farmers, writers, artists, anarchists, makers, and revolutionaries. We believe in community ability to sustain projects and benefit the collective. We believe in radical healing. We believe in radical education. We believe in making these things accessible. We believe in land acknowledgment and in reparations. We believe these acts of solidarity provide deep generational healing for all of us. We believe that there is abundance for all of us.
While at first, our advisors were perhaps a bit surprised to see these beliefs built into a formal business plan - there has been a hearty joining into our visioning and belief that this is the future.
Stay tuned for updates, victories, failures, rants, and so much radical queer love and revolution.
Rebecca Guanzon (she/her)

Rebecca is a trained herbalist and a practitioner of multiple energetic healing modalities. She has been working with survivors of trauma and using trauma informed care practices for over 20 years.
Her training includes The Chestnut School Of Herbal Medicine’s Medicine Making, Foraging, and Herbal Immersion Herbalism programs. She continues to serve as a neighborhood herbalist, promoting mutual aid. She studied with Melissa Crowhurst / Natural Healers receiving reiki master attunement, and provides intuitive trauma informed bodywork thru various healing modalities; including techniques she gathered from her years learning at the Full Spectrum Healing Arts School.
From 1999-2014 Rebecca worked at Women's Services Inc the domestic violence/rape crisis center in Crawford County, PA. During her 16+years at WSI she served survivors of trauma in several different roles. From 2014-2020 Rebecca worked as Assistant Director of Residential Life then Co-Director at Allegheny College. She partnered and led collaborating initiatives such as; Bringing in the Bystander programming (sexual assault prevention), Sustained Dialogues, and Safe Zone Training (LGBTQ+/identity) in higher education and community organizations.
Rebecca is a Training Consultant for The Keystone Crisis Intervention Team. The Keystone Crisis Intervention Team (KCIT) is a Pennsylvania state crisis response team, providing trained teams of individuals to serve any communities within the Commonwealth where a crime has taken place.
Rebecca has been a champion of the Food Is Free movement for many years, and is a member of Herbalist Without Borders (humanitarian aid centering around health justice, herbal education and advocacy, and social justice related to herbalism and health access).
Rebecca’s non traditional background has given her the skills to cultivate these inspiring and lasting relationships with broad ranges of individuals and she is committed to mobilizing people toward healing.
justin adkins (he/him/dude)

justin is a trans guy known for his passion for community. He has lived in hills of Western Mass and Southern VT since 2004. justin grew herbs and vegetables at his home micro-farm in Williamstown, MA and then with Rebecca in Meadville, PA at their home micro-farm, The Fannie Lou Hamer Micro-Farm.
justin is an experiential learner and educator. He loves to pick random things growing on the side of the path or waterway and explore more about how they can benefit our lives. His foraging started as a kid when he would pick a grass that tasted sour (Oxalis) and encourage his friends to try it. He continued this passion for foraging as he co-founded an experiential wilderness program in Texas for at-promise youth and then later in 2014 launched Root mid-orientation program at Williams College, a collaboration of the Davis Center and the Zilkha Center for Environmental Initiatives.
justin has a Masters Degree in Management of Mission Driven Organizations from Marlboro College in Marlboro, VT. He worked with local businesses and organizations throughout Berkshire County developing their websites, logos, and social media plans from 2007-2016.
justin worked in higher education from 2008-2021 with a focus on diversity, equity and inclusion and restorative practices for community living. He worked at Williams College, Allegheny College, and most recently as Interim Associate VP for Student Affairs at The College of Wooster. He still consults with schools and organizations across the country.
In 2019 justin published an piece in the edited volume Transcending: Trans Buddhist Voices by North Atlantic Books. Transcending is the first anthology of its kind to give voice to the experiences of transgender, genderqueer, and non-binary Buddhists. justin is a trained buddhist meditation facilitator and facilitated Berkshire Dharma Punx, a peer led meditation group from 2009-2011.
Part of justin’s passion of the soul is relaxation on the river through fly fishing. He loves sharing his passion for the waterways with anyone who will listen and is the President of our local chapter of Trout Unlimited.
Linci Comy, October 26, 2020, Oakland